Endpoint Backup & Restore
- Server Connection Limit prevents backups from running
- How can I check if a user has backup snapshots on a different vault?
- Agent application failed to start
- Why does an unverified device perform successful backups?
- Low Backup Size
- Restore Successful - 0 files restored
- Agent Error - HikariPool-4 SQLSTATE (HYT00), Error Code (50200)
- 403 Forbidden error on Agent
- Are restore events visible to administrators?
- What does "Server Connection Limit" mean?
- Backup failing - Index metadata not found
- How do I resolve "No Connection" errors?
- Agent Errors reported on backups for multiple devices
- Index out of sync error preventing backup from running
- Encrypted files corrupted by Kaspersky Endpoint Security V10 SP2 and earlier
- Backups are not starting
- How frequently will a user's backup run?