Install the Private Cloud Vault on a Linux server.
Setup the Private Cloud Vault on the Linux server where user device backups will be stored.
Download and install the Private Cloud Vault Package - Linux
To register a Vault, you will need to have the email address and password of an Endpoint Cloud user account with the Administrator or Security Officer role.
To download and install the Private Cloud Vault package:
1. On the Endpoint Cloud Portal, click on the Vaults tab.
2. Click on the Download Private Cloud Vault.
If you do not see this option, select the green download icon at the top-right of the Vaults screen.
3. Download the Linux package and copy it to your server.
Debian, CentOS, RHEL and Ubuntu distros are supported.
4. On the server, install the Private Cloud Vault software.
sudo bash ./
You must choose a location that has a suitable amount of storage space for your data. We usually recommend 20GB per user, but this can vary depending on the type and amount of data your organization uses. The default directory for the installation is /opt.
Press Enter to continue
Press Enter several times to read through the EULA.
Press 1 to Accept the agreement
Press Enter to accept the default installation directory /opt/vault
Press Enter to create symlinks
Press Enter for the default symlink location
Files will then extract and install
Press Enter to register the Vault to your Endpoint Cloud tenant
If you are doing an in-place upgrade to a newer version of the Vault, you do not need to register the Vault again.
Type in your customer name. This is the URL to your tenant. As example, for, just type in acme as customer.
For the username, type in the email address of the Security Officer with access to your Cloud Portal.
Type in the password for the Cloud Portal.
This is not your AD / Email credentials, but the administrator credentials used to log into your Cloud Portal.
The Vault will be registered against the customer (tenant) on and the service started.
To confirm that the service started
systemctl status endpointcloud-vault-service
To stop or start the service
systemctl start endpointcloud-vault-service
systemctl stop endpointcloud-vault-service
The Vault will now be registered. On the Cloud Portal, under the Vaults tab, the Vault will be available.
If a mistake is made with the registration process, the registration can be kicked off manually again with the following command:
sudo /opt/vault/endpointcloud-vault register -t yourtenantname -r https -h -u youremailaddress -p yourpassword
Once registration completes:
sudo systemctl start endpointcloud-vault-service