Edit a Team

If you want to make changes to an existing Team:

  1. There are three ways to edit a Team - from the Inventory page, Protection page, or from the Teams section on the Settings page. So you can either:

    Click Inventory.


    Click Protection.


    Click Settings and use the Teams section.

  2. Hover the cursor over the Team you want to edit and then click on its option button ( ... ).
  3. Click Edit.


  4. Use the Team Name field to change the name of the Team, if required.
  5. Use the Assign a Policy combo-box to choose the Policy for the Team. All devices in the Team will use the settings defined in the Policy (schedule for backups, data loss prevention settings, etc.).
  6. Use the Assign a Vault combo-box to choose the storage area that will be used to store the backup data for the devices in the Team.
  7. Click Save Team.

To learn more about these settings, see:

Edit a Team from the Inventory Page:


Edit a Team from the Protection Page:


Edit a Team from the Settings Page:
