Administrators - Settings Page

The Settings page has an Administrators section that you can use to:

  • View the name and email address of each administrator
  • View whether someone is an Endpoint Cloud administrator or security officer
  • Invite someone to become an Endpoint Cloud administrator
  • Delete an administrator or security officer.

 To display the Administrators section:

  1. Click Settings.
  2. In the side panel, click Administrators.


For each administrator, you can see the:

Field Description
Name The name of the administrator.
Email The email address used to invite the administrator to Endpoint Cloud.

The role of the administrator affects what features are available to them. The possible roles are:

  • Security Officer - Has all the permissions of administrators and can also download and register the AD Connector, and can change the role of administrators. The security officer holds the key to the organization backup data.  It is recommended that at least two security officers are deployed per customer tenant.
  • Administrator - Has access to all features in Endpoint Cloud, but cannot download or register the AD Connector or change the role of administrators.
Status Shows whether the administrator has activated their account (Active) or has not yet responded to the email invite (Pending).


If you hover the cursor on an administrator, you can select its context menu (...). From here, you can: