Invite an Administrator
If you want to give somebody access to Endpoint Cloud, you can invite them to join as an administrator. When you send the invite, Endpoint Cloud creates a new administrator-level user automatically and sends an email to the new user. They can use the email to activate their account.
To add a new administrator, you will need the email address of the person you want to add.
To invite a new administrator:
- Click Settings.
- Click Administrators.
- Click Invite Admin.
- In the Invite Administrator dialog, enter the first name, last name, and email address of the user you want to add as an administrator.
- Click Invite.
The user will receive an email invite. When they receive the email, they can use it to activate their account. Once activated, they will be able to log in to Endpoint Cloud and access the administrator-level features.
To find out more about the email invite, see Activate Your Account.