Discovery & Inventory - Overview
Endpoint Cloud can provide you with a free overview of your business devices and data at a global scale. You can use this information to determine what types of business data your organization has, what data is at risk, and how much storage space is required to back it up in Endpoint Cloud.
For the free overview, install the Discovery Agent application on each of your business devices (but do not install it on your server).
The Discovery Agent allows Endpoint Cloud to detect your user devices automatically.
What is the Discovery Agent?
The discovery agent is a free, lightweight application that you can deploy to an unlimited number of devices in your organization. It provides you with an instant view of your endpoint devices and data, so that you can plan your storage and start protecting your devices, all from Endpoint Cloud.
When you run the Discovery Agent, it analyzes your devices and data and creates an inventory. Endpoint Cloud uses the inventory to provide you with a wealth of information about your devices and data, including details of:
- The hardware components that make up the device
- The installed applications, drivers, services, and updates
- The data on the devices, classified automatically into business and non-business data
- Activation status. You can see which devices are At Risk and which are Activated for Protection.
You can access all of this information from Endpoint Cloud's Inventory page.
You can install the Discovery Agent on an unlimited number of devices. (But you will need Endpoint Cloud licenses to activate your devices for protection).
To download and install the Discovery Agent, see Installing & Deploying the Discovery Agent
To learn about the information provided in Endpoint Cloud, see Inventory Page.
When you have completed the discovery, you can purchase licenses to use Endpoint Cloud to protect your devices and data. When you have licences available, activate your devices to protect them and back them up.