Full Device Migration Firewall Port required.

Port required by the Device Migration feature

Migration feature fails as required connectivity is not available between devices.

How to identify the problem

From either the source or destination computer, open Powershell and run the following:

Test-NetConnection <computername> -Port 8765 

The <computername> will be the name or IP of the remote computer part of the migration.

The result will show TCPTestSucceed as False if there is no connectivity.

What caused this problem?

Firewall rules are not setup to allow for the required ports. 

How do I resolve this problem?

Allow for Port 8765 on the Windows Firewall as Inbound Rules for both UDP and TCP or any third party Firewall Management Application. 

Note: When activating a device, the endpointcloud-agent.exe is typically already added in the Windows Firewall rules as part of the Protection Agent installation. In a case where the user is not a local admin on their computer, this rule will not be successfully created, and would need the port to be opened manually. 

Check if the problem has been fixed

In PowerShell run the following again: 

Test-NetConnection <computername> -Port 8765

Take note of the TCPTestSucceed result which should now show True