Filtering the Users - Settings Page
By default, the Users section on the Settings page shows information for all Endpoint Cloud users (which are based on Microsoft Windows user profiles). But, if required, you can filter the Users section so that it only shows information that meets certain criteria. For example, you can filter the Users section so that it only shows information for one particular User.
There are several ways you can filter the User section:
Use a Search to Filter the Users List
Show or Hide Columns on the Users List.
Use a Search to Filter the Users List
You can use the Search feature to filter the Users list so that it only includes Users that have a particular name (or partial name).
To apply a search filter:
- Click the search icon above the Users list.
- Enter the first characters of the text value you want to use as the filter. Endpoint Cloud applies the filter as you type, so you can do partial matches or you can enter the full text value to be more specific.
Show or Hide Columns on the Users List
You can choose to show or hide columns on the Users list. For example, you may not be interested in the email address of each User, and so you can hide the Email column.
To show/hide columns, click on the Columns icon and then choose which columns to include. For more information on the columns, see Users - Settings Page.