Install a new Connector on a different server
The server hosting the AD Connector is no longer available, and a new AD Connector needs to be setup on a different server.
How to identify the problem
The Connector shows offline under Settings -> Connectors on the EPC Cloud Portal, and the server hosting the Connector is no longer available.
How do I resolve this problem?
The process involves 3 steps:
1. Remove the service principal name (SPN) on the domain
2. Delete the Connector on the EPC Cloud Portal
3. Install the new Connector (the registration process will create the new SPN)
To Remove the SPN on the domain:
Open CMD on the new server
setspn -L servername
This will list the current SPN records for the previous server name.
setspn -D http/
setspn -D https/
This will delete the HTTP and HTTPS entries that was registered by the previous Connector.
Other commands:
setspn -S https/
setspn -S http/
This will manually set a new SPN record if needed (although the registration of the new Connector will automatically complete this task
setspn -Q http/
If you no longer have the previous server name, this will display the old server the SPN was linked to
To delete the Connector from the cloud:
Go to the EPC Cloud Portal. Navigate to Settings -> Connector and on the right hand side click the 3 dots and delete.
3. To install a new connector:
Follow this article to install and register a new connector:
Check if the problem has been fixed
On the EPC Cloud Portal, the new Connector will now appear online under Settings -> Connectors