Licensing - Overview
Endpoint Cloud requires you to have licenses for your users. When you purchase a commercial plan, you are assigned a number of licenses based on your requirements. If these requirements change, you can buy more licenses and add them to your plan.
You can view information about your licenses on the Licensing page. It shows the number of licenses you have available, the status of your Endpoint Cloud subscription, and the type of plan you have.
The plans for Endpoint Cloud are:
- Free
- Trial
- CommercialÂ
With the free plan, you can use Endpoint Cloud to discover your devices and provide you with information about the:
- Number of devices at risk
- Amount of data at risk.
With this information, you can estimate the amount of storage space and licenses you will need when you buy the commercial license.
The trial plan is designed to give you the full Endpoint Cloud experience, but for a limited time only. You can access all of the Endpoint Cloud features, so you can discover your devices and use Endpoint Cloud to protect them and backup their data to a vault.
When the trial period expires, you can upgrade to the commercial plan to continue using Endpoint Cloud.
The commercial plan is a subscription service that provides full access to Endpoint Cloud for the duration of your subscription. You will be able to protect your devices and purchase more licenses as part of your subscription.