Protection Page
The Protection page provides information about the activated devices and their current protection status. You can use it to find out which devices are currently protected, unprotected, or protected with warning.
Protection Status | Description |
Protected |
The device has been activated, has the Protection Agent software installed, and has its data backed up by Endpoint Cloud. |
Unprotected |
The device has been activated, has the Protection Agent software installed, but has not been backed up successfully in the last 5 days. (5 days is the default protection range) Until a successful backup takes place, an unprotected device's data is at risk. The first backup of the device usually occurs around 10 minutes after the device is activated. But it can take longer, depending on how long it takes the Protection Agent software to index the files. |
Protected with Warning |
The device has been activated and has the Protection Agent software installed. The device made a successful backup in the last 5 days, but the last backup attempt failed. |
The Protection page only shows devices that are discovered and successfully activated. If the Protection page is empty, your devices have either not been discovered or they have been discovered but not activated. To find out about discovery and activation, see Discovery and Inventory.
On the Inventory page, we use the term "At Risk" to describe a device that has been discovered but has not been activated. The "Unprotected" devices on the Protection page have been activated, but not backed up in the protection range. Both "At Risk" and "Unprotected" devices contain data that is vulnerable.
To find out about the various sections of the Protection page, see: Devices, Device Protection, Protection Status, DLP, Teams Side Bar, and Device Protection List.
The Devices panel provides a summary of the:
- Number of active and inactive devices
- Amount of backup data across all devices.
The backup data shows the sum of all data that is included in the Policy across all devices at a specific point in time. This number is not the stored data on the Vault.
An active device is a device that has been activated and has connected to Endpoint Cloud within the past 30 days.
Field | Description |
Total Active |
The total number of devices that are active. These devices have been activated and are either in a protected, protected with warning, or unprotected state (see Device Protection). Active devices are not necessarily backed up and protected. |
Total Inactive |
The total number of devices that have been activated but have not connected to Endpoint Cloud within the last 30 days (and so are not backed up for that time period). |
Total Backup Data |
The amount of data across all devices that is included by the backup Policies at a specific point in time. You can use this as an indication of how much storage space is needed. But be aware that the backup data figure will change every time the Policy changes or when users add/remove backup data on their devices. |
Device Protection
The Device Protection panel provides information about the number of devices that have been backed up and protected within the last 5 days. It shows:
Field | Description |
Protected | The total number of devices that have been backed up successfully in the last 5 days. |
Unprotected |
The total number of devices that have not been backed up successful in the last 5 days. |
Protected with Warning |
The total number of devices that have been backed up successfully in the last 5 days, but the most recent backup failed. |
Protection Status
The Protection Status panel provides a summary of the number of devices that are currently protected, protected with warnings, or unprotected.
If some of your devices have the unprotected or unprotected with warning status, the Protection Status panel has two tabs: Unprotected and Protected with Warning (shown at the bottom of the panel).
The Unprotected tab shows:
Field | Description |
No Backup | The number of devices that are unprotected and have no back up data in Endpoint Cloud. |
No Connection | The number of devices that are unprotected and do not have a connection to Endpoint Cloud. |
Connection Lost | The number of devices that are unprotected and have lost their connection to Endpoint Cloud |
Agent Error | The number of devices that have an Agent error that the server is unable to recognize. If you have Agent error messages, please contact our technical support team for assistance. |
Server Connection Limit | The number of devices that are trying to connect to Endpoint Cloud when the server connection limit has already been reached. Endpoint Cloud allows a certain number of concurrent connections (60 by default) and once this limit is reached, any additional connections cannot be made. Devices will try again in a few minutes to check for an available connection and perform a backup. |
Other | The number of errors that are uncategorized. If you have Other errors, please contact our technical support team for assistance. ( |
The Protected with Warning tab shows the number of devices that are protected with a warning. If there are warnings, statistics of the warnings are provided (as shown below):
Field | Description |
Agent Error | The number of devices that are protected but have an Agent error that the server is unable to recognize. If you have Agent error messages, please contact our technical support team for assistance. |
Locked Files |
The number of devices that are protected but have locked files (files that were open on the device when the backup took place). Endpoint Cloud is able to backup locked files, but the success of backing them up is dependent on the Windows VSS service working correctly. If you have locked file warnings, we recommend that you filter the Devices List on the Protected page to show only the devices with "protected with warning" status. Then display the backup log for the device to determine which files were locked. You can then decide whether you want to close the files on the devices and back the devices up manually or leave them until the next scheduled backup. |
The DLP panel shows a summary of the number of devices that are using the Data Loss Prevention features (encryption, auto-revoke, and geolocation). The DLP features are enabled and disabled in the Policy settings.
Teams Side Bar
On the left side of the Protection page is the Teams side bar. This shows a list of the Teams that are set up in your Endpoint Cloud (plus All Devices and Unassigned, which are built-in).
If you click on a Team, the Protection panels and device list updates so that it only shows information for the devices in the selected Team. You can click on All Devices to set the Inventory to show data for every device.
Administrator users can use a keyboard shortcut to select Teams to report on. Press the CTRL key and then select the Team(s) you want to include.
Device Protection List
The bottom section of the Protection shows the device protection list, which contains a summary of the devices that Endpoint Cloud has discovered and their protection status.
Field | Description |
Device | The name of the device. |
User |
The name of the user associated with the device. |
Status |
Shows the protection status: |
Protected ![]() |
Protected with warning ![]() |
Unprotected ![]() |
Team | The Team that the device is assigned to. |
Backup Data | Endpoint Cloud backs up an amount of data on the device (in accordance with a Policy). The amount is shown in the Backup Data column. |
Protection Agent | The version of the Protection Agent software that is currently installed on the device. |
Encrypt | Shows if the local encryption feature is enabled for the device. You can enable and disable local encryption in the Policy that is associated with the Team (of which the device is a member). A green icon means it is enabled, a gray icon means it is disabled. ![]() |
Auto Revoke | Shows if the auto revoke feature is enabled for the device. You can enable and disable auto revoke in the Policy that is associated with the Team (of which the device is a member). A green icon means it is enabled, a gray icon means it is disabled. ![]() |
Geolocate | Shows if the geolocation feature is enabled for the device. You can enable and disable geolocation in the Policy that is associated with the Team (of which the device is a member). A green icon means it is enabled, a gray icon means it is disabled. ![]() |
DLP Status | Shows the data loss prevention status. This can be: |
Trusted: The device has been authenticated and can connect to Endpoint Cloud. |
Revoked: The device has been revoked, so that unauthorised users cannot access the encrypted data on the device. It is not trusted and no further backups or restores will take place. |
Wiped: The device has been wiped. It is not trusted and no further backups or restores will take place. |
By default, the device list shows information for all devices (Show All filter). If you prefer, you can click one of the other filter options. There are three further possible filter options, one for each state: Protected, Protected with Warning, Unprotected. The filter options are only available if there are devices in that particular state.
If you highlight a device in the list, an option button ( ... ) appears to the right of the device name. Click on the option button to display a context menu with these options:
Field | Description |
View | Displays the Device page, which contains details about device, including its hardware and software. |
Assign Team |
Use to assign the device to a Team. Endpoint Cloud can only backup and protect devices that are assigned to Teams, as the Teams have to be associated with a Vault and Policy. |
Delete |
Use to delete a device. If you delete a user's last remaining device, a license will be released and made available for use by other users. |
Device Side Bar
If you click on a device in the device list, the device side bar appears. It shows extra information about the selected device. If you click on the View icon on the top corner, Endpoint Cloud shows the Device page, which contains a more in-depth view of the device, including its hardware and software.
At the bottom of the device side bar, there are icons for performing a manual back up of the device, revoking it, wiping it, and using geolocation to discover it. The same icons are also available on the Device page.
Multi-Device Actions
You can use the device list to apply a single action to multiple devices. For example, you could assign multiple devices to the same Team.
Use the checkbox on the left of each device row to select a device. When you select the checkboxes, the action options appear at the bottom of the list. These work in the same way as for single devices, except that the action will apply to every device you selected.